




新兴市场中日益激烈的竞争,蓬勃快速的发展,以及低效的传统商业方式正在改变全球私人股权行业的趋势?在中国尤其如此。清华大学经管学院与美国哈佛商学院首次在中国北京联合推出中国私人股权基金与风险投资课程(Private Equity and Venture Capital China),旨在应对全球,特别是新兴市场投资格局的蓬勃发展及其影响。该课程将于20081015日至18日在清华经管学院校园内举办。

清华大学经济管理学院是唯一获得AACSBEQUIS两大全球管理教育顶级认证的中国内地商学院,也是亚太地区同时拥有三项国际认证(AACSB BusinessAACSB AccountingEQUIS)的三家商学院之一。作为中国最有影响力的教育机构,清华大学经济管理学院一贯致力于学术新知,造就未来中国乃至世界范围内的商业领袖。  

哈佛商学院创建于1908年,学院的一贯宗旨是培养能够改变世界的领袖人物。哈佛商学院在重新界定管理教育的性质,塑造产业的管理实践,以及创造商业未来等方面均领导世界潮流。 中国私人股权与风险投资课程一个关于私人股权基金(PE) 的高端课程。本课程集合了当今世界上私人股权基金课题研究领域的带头人-美国哈佛商学院私人股权基金课程创始人Josh Lerner教授、金李教授和清华大学经管学院的廖理教授;讲授当今世界PE领域的最新案例和知识;帮助您深入了解国际上业内最新动态和发展方向;从全球化的眼光解答困扰您已久的问题和疑惑。



Intensifying competition, exploding growth in emerging markets, and ineffective traditional approaches are transforming the private equity industry worldwide?particularly in China.

The School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University (Tsinghua SEM) and Harvard Business School (HBS) are offering Private Equity and Venture Capital China in Beijing, China, for the first time to address the explosive growth that is transforming the global investment landscape, particularly in emerging markets. This program will take place on the Tsinghua SEM campus from October 15 to 18, 2008.

Private Equity and Venture Capital China provides fresh industry insights and hands-on experience to improve the investment expertise of investors, entrepreneurs, and intermediaries. This program provides global perspectives, and groundbreaking research on redefining investment strategies, enhancing dealmaking skills, and increasing return on investments. 

If appropriate, I encourage you to apply for participation and to share the enclosed materials with colleagues who would benefit from attending. For complete details, visit our website at http://edp1.sem.tsinghua.edu.cn/pe/indexen.html; email:lihao@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn; or call our course consultants weekdays, between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. at +86-10-62772946. 

I hope that you and others in your organization will take advantage of this exceptional learning opportunity.


from: www.whichmba.net  商学院大百科
